Interface UserStoreIface

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public interface UserStoreIface

Service: UserStore

The UserStore service is primarily used by EDAM clients to establish authentication via username and password over a trusted connection (e.g. SSL). A client's first call to this interface should be checkVersion() to ensure that the client's software is up to date.

All calls which require an authenticationToken may throw an EDAMUserException for the following reasons:

Method Summary
 AuthenticationResult authenticate(java.lang.String username, java.lang.String password, java.lang.String consumerKey, java.lang.String consumerSecret, boolean supportsTwoFactor)
          This is used to check a username and password in order to create a short-lived authentication session that can be used for further actions.
 AuthenticationResult authenticateLongSession(java.lang.String username, java.lang.String password, java.lang.String consumerKey, java.lang.String consumerSecret, java.lang.String deviceIdentifier, java.lang.String deviceDescription, boolean supportsTwoFactor)
          This is used to check a username and password in order to create a long-lived authentication token that can be used for further actions.
 AuthenticationResult authenticateToBusiness(java.lang.String authenticationToken)
          This is used to take an existing authentication token that grants access to an individual user account (returned from 'authenticate', 'authenticateLongSession' or an OAuth authorization) and obtain an additional authentication token that may be used to access business notebooks if the user is a member of an Evernote Business account.
 boolean checkVersion(java.lang.String clientName, short edamVersionMajor, short edamVersionMinor)
          This should be the first call made by a client to the EDAM service.
 AuthenticationResult completeTwoFactorAuthentication(java.lang.String authenticationToken, java.lang.String oneTimeCode, java.lang.String deviceIdentifier, java.lang.String deviceDescription)
          Complete the authentication process when a second factor is required.
 BootstrapInfo getBootstrapInfo(java.lang.String locale)
          This provides bootstrap information to the client.
 java.lang.String getNoteStoreUrl(java.lang.String authenticationToken)
          Returns the URL that should be used to talk to the NoteStore for the account represented by the provided authenticationToken.
 PremiumInfo getPremiumInfo(java.lang.String authenticationToken)
          Returns information regarding a user's Premium account corresponding to the provided authentication token, or throws an exception if this token is not valid.
 PublicUserInfo getPublicUserInfo(java.lang.String username)
          Asks the UserStore about the publicly available location information for a particular username.
 User getUser(java.lang.String authenticationToken)
          Returns the User corresponding to the provided authentication token, or throws an exception if this token is not valid.
 AuthenticationResult refreshAuthentication(java.lang.String authenticationToken)
          This is used to take an existing authentication token (returned from 'authenticate') and exchange it for a newer token which will not expire as soon.
 void revokeLongSession(java.lang.String authenticationToken)
          Revoke an existing long lived authentication token.

Method Detail


boolean checkVersion(java.lang.String clientName,
                     short edamVersionMajor,
                     short edamVersionMinor)
                     throws com.evernote.thrift.TException
This should be the first call made by a client to the EDAM service. It tells the service what protocol version is used by the client. The service will then return true if the client is capable of talking to the service, and false if the client's protocol version is incompatible with the service, so the client must upgrade. If a client receives a false value, it should report the incompatibility to the user and not continue with any more EDAM requests (UserStore or NoteStore).

clientName - This string provides some information about the client for tracking/logging on the service. It should provide information about the client's software and platform. The structure should be: application/version; platform/version; [ device/version ] E.g. "Evernote Windows/3.0.1; Windows/XP SP3".
edamVersionMajor - This should be the major protocol version that was compiled by the client. This should be the current value of the EDAM_VERSION_MAJOR constant for the client.
edamVersionMinor - This should be the major protocol version that was compiled by the client. This should be the current value of the EDAM_VERSION_MINOR constant for the client.


BootstrapInfo getBootstrapInfo(java.lang.String locale)
                               throws com.evernote.thrift.TException
This provides bootstrap information to the client. Various bootstrap profiles and settings may be used by the client to configure itself.

locale - The client's current locale, expressed in language[_country] format. E.g., "en_US". See ISO-639 and ISO-3166 for valid language and country codes.
The bootstrap information suitable for this client.


AuthenticationResult authenticate(java.lang.String username,
                                  java.lang.String password,
                                  java.lang.String consumerKey,
                                  java.lang.String consumerSecret,
                                  boolean supportsTwoFactor)
                                  throws EDAMUserException,
This is used to check a username and password in order to create a short-lived authentication session that can be used for further actions. This function is only available to Evernote's internal applications. Third party applications must authenticate using OAuth as described at

username - The username (not numeric user ID) for the account to authenticate against. This function will also accept the user's registered email address in this parameter.
password - The plaintext password to check against the account. Since this is not protected by the EDAM protocol, this information must be provided over a protected transport (e.g. SSL).
consumerKey - The "consumer key" portion of the API key issued to the client application by Evernote.
consumerSecret - The "consumer secret" portion of the API key issued to the client application by Evernote.
supportsTwoFactor - Whether the calling application supports two-factor authentication. If this parameter is false, this method will fail with the error code INVALID_AUTH and the parameter "password" when called for a user who has enabled two-factor authentication.

The result of the authentication. If the authentication was successful, the AuthenticationResult.user field will be set with the full information about the User.

If the user has two-factor authentication enabled, AuthenticationResult.secondFactorRequired will be set and AuthenticationResult.authenticationToken will contain a short-lived token that may only be used to complete the two-factor authentication process by calling UserStore.completeTwoFactorAuthentication.

EDAMUserException -
  • DATA_REQUIRED "username" - username is empty
  • DATA_REQUIRED "password" - password is empty
  • DATA_REQUIRED "consumerKey" - consumerKey is empty
  • INVALID_AUTH "username" - username not found
  • INVALID_AUTH "password" - password did not match
  • INVALID_AUTH "consumerKey" - consumerKey is not authorized
  • INVALID_AUTH "consumerSecret" - consumerSecret is incorrect
  • PERMISSION_DENIED "" - user account is closed
  • PERMISSION_DENIED "User.tooManyFailuresTryAgainLater" - user has failed authentication too often


AuthenticationResult authenticateLongSession(java.lang.String username,
                                             java.lang.String password,
                                             java.lang.String consumerKey,
                                             java.lang.String consumerSecret,
                                             java.lang.String deviceIdentifier,
                                             java.lang.String deviceDescription,
                                             boolean supportsTwoFactor)
                                             throws EDAMUserException,
This is used to check a username and password in order to create a long-lived authentication token that can be used for further actions. This function is not available to most third party applications, which typically authenticate using OAuth as described at If you believe that your application requires permission to authenticate using username and password instead of OAuth, please contact Evernote developer support by visiting

username - The username or registered email address of the account to authenticate against.
password - The plaintext password to check against the account. Since this is not protected by the EDAM protocol, this information must be provided over a protected transport (i.e. SSL).
consumerKey - The "consumer key" portion of the API key issued to the client application by Evernote.
consumerSecret - The "consumer secret" portion of the API key issued to the client application by Evernote.
deviceIdentifier - An optional string, no more than 32 characters in length, that uniquely identifies the device from which the authentication is being performed. This string allows the service to return the same authentication token when a given application requests authentication repeatedly from the same device. This may happen when the user logs out of an application and then logs back in, or when the application is uninstalled and later reinstalled. If no reliable device identifier can be created, this value should be omitted. If set, the device identifier must be between 1 and EDAM_DEVICE_ID_LEN_MAX characters long and must match the regular expression EDAM_DEVICE_ID_REGEX.
deviceDescription - A description of the device from which the authentication is being performed. This field is displayed to the user in a list of authorized applications to allow them to distinguish between multiple tokens issued to the same client application on different devices. For example, the Evernote iOS client on a user's iPhone and iPad might pass the iOS device names "Bob's iPhone" and "Bob's iPad". The device description must be between 1 and EDAM_DEVICE_DESCRIPTION_LEN_MAX characters long and must match the regular expression EDAM_DEVICE_DESCRIPTION_REGEX.
supportsTwoFactor - Whether the calling application supports two-factor authentication. If this parameter is false, this method will fail with the error code INVALID_AUTH and the parameter "password" when called for a user who has enabled two-factor authentication.

The result of the authentication. The level of detail provided in the returned AuthenticationResult.User structure depends on the access level granted by calling application's API key.

If the user has two-factor authentication enabled, AuthenticationResult.secondFactorRequired will be set and AuthenticationResult.authenticationToken will contain a short-lived token that may only be used to complete the two-factor authentication process by calling UserStore.completeTwoFactorAuthentication.

EDAMUserException -
  • DATA_REQUIRED "username" - username is empty
  • DATA_REQUIRED "password" - password is empty
  • DATA_REQUIRED "consumerKey" - consumerKey is empty
  • DATA_REQUIRED "consumerSecret" - consumerSecret is empty
  • DATA_REQUIRED "deviceDescription" - deviceDescription is empty
  • BAD_DATA_FORMAT "deviceDescription" - deviceDescription is not valid.
  • BAD_DATA_FORMAT "deviceIdentifier" - deviceIdentifier is not valid.
  • INVALID_AUTH "username" - username not found
  • INVALID_AUTH "password" - password did not match
  • INVALID_AUTH "consumerKey" - consumerKey is not authorized
  • INVALID_AUTH "consumerSecret" - consumerSecret is incorrect
  • PERMISSION_DENIED "" - user account is closed
  • PERMISSION_DENIED "User.tooManyFailuresTryAgainLater" - user has failed authentication too often


AuthenticationResult completeTwoFactorAuthentication(java.lang.String authenticationToken,
                                                     java.lang.String oneTimeCode,
                                                     java.lang.String deviceIdentifier,
                                                     java.lang.String deviceDescription)
                                                     throws EDAMUserException,
Complete the authentication process when a second factor is required. This call is made after a successful call to authenticate or authenticateLongSession when the authenticating user has enabled two-factor authentication.

authenticationToken - An authentication token returned by a previous call to UserStore.authenticate or UserStore.authenticateLongSession that could not be completed in a single call because a second factor was required.
oneTimeCode - The one time code entered by the user. This value is delivered out-of-band, typically via SMS or an authenticator application.
deviceIdentifier - See the corresponding parameter in authenticateLongSession.
deviceDescription - See the corresponding parameter in authenticateLongSession.
The result of the authentication. The level of detail provided in the returned AuthenticationResult.User structure depends on the access level granted by the calling application's API key. If the initial authentication call was made to authenticateLongSession, the AuthenticationResult will contain a long-lived authentication token.
EDAMUserException -
  • DATA_REQUIRED "authenticationToken" - authenticationToken is empty
  • DATA_REQUIRED "oneTimeCode" - oneTimeCode is empty
  • BAD_DATA_FORMAT "authenticationToken" - authenticationToken is not well formed
  • INVALID_AUTH "oneTimeCode" - oneTimeCode did not match
  • AUTH_EXPIRED "authenticationToken" - authenticationToken has expired
  • PERMISSION_DENIED "authenticationToken" - authenticationToken is not valid
  • PERMISSION_DENIED "" - user account is closed
  • PERMISSION_DENIED "User.tooManyFailuresTryAgainLater" - user has failed authentication too often
  • DATA_CONFLICT "User.twoFactorAuthentication" - The user has not enabled two-factor authentication.


void revokeLongSession(java.lang.String authenticationToken)
                       throws EDAMUserException,
Revoke an existing long lived authentication token. This can be used to revoke OAuth tokens or tokens created by calling authenticateLongSession, and allows a user to effectively log out of Evernote from the perspective of the application that holds the token. The authentication token that is passed is immediately revoked and may not be used to call any authenticated EDAM function.

authenticationToken - the authentication token to revoke.
EDAMUserException -
  • DATA_REQUIRED "authenticationToken" - no authentication token provided
  • BAD_DATA_FORMAT "authenticationToken" - the authentication token is not well formed
  • INVALID_AUTH "authenticationToken" - the authentication token is invalid
  • AUTH_EXPIRED "authenticationToken" - the authentication token is expired or is already revoked.


AuthenticationResult authenticateToBusiness(java.lang.String authenticationToken)
                                            throws EDAMUserException,
This is used to take an existing authentication token that grants access to an individual user account (returned from 'authenticate', 'authenticateLongSession' or an OAuth authorization) and obtain an additional authentication token that may be used to access business notebooks if the user is a member of an Evernote Business account. The resulting authentication token may be used to make NoteStore API calls against the business using the NoteStore URL returned in the result.

authenticationToken - The authentication token for the user. This may not be a shared authentication token (returned by NoteStore.authenticateToSharedNotebook or NoteStore.authenticateToSharedNote) or a business authentication token.
The result of the authentication, with the token granting access to the business in the result's 'authenticationToken' field. The URL that must be used to access the business account NoteStore will be returned in the result's 'noteStoreUrl' field. The 'User' field will not be set in the result.
EDAMUserException -
  • PERMISSION_DENIED "authenticationToken" - the provided authentication token is a shared or business authentication token.
  • PERMISSION_DENIED "Business" - the user identified by the provided authentication token is not currently a member of a business.
  • PERMISSION_DENIED "Business.status" - the business that the user is a member of is not currently in an active status.


AuthenticationResult refreshAuthentication(java.lang.String authenticationToken)
                                           throws EDAMUserException,
This is used to take an existing authentication token (returned from 'authenticate') and exchange it for a newer token which will not expire as soon. This must be invoked before the previous token expires. This function is only availabe to Evernote's internal applications.

authenticationToken - The previous authentication token from the authenticate() result.
The result of the authentication, with the new token in the result's 'authenticationToken' field. The 'User' field will not be set in the result.


User getUser(java.lang.String authenticationToken)
             throws EDAMUserException,
Returns the User corresponding to the provided authentication token, or throws an exception if this token is not valid. The level of detail provided in the returned User structure depends on the access level granted by the token, so a web service client may receive fewer fields than an integrated desktop client.



PublicUserInfo getPublicUserInfo(java.lang.String username)
                                 throws EDAMNotFoundException,
Asks the UserStore about the publicly available location information for a particular username.

EDAMUserException -
  • DATA_REQUIRED "username" - username is empty


PremiumInfo getPremiumInfo(java.lang.String authenticationToken)
                           throws EDAMUserException,
Returns information regarding a user's Premium account corresponding to the provided authentication token, or throws an exception if this token is not valid.



java.lang.String getNoteStoreUrl(java.lang.String authenticationToken)
                                 throws EDAMUserException,
Returns the URL that should be used to talk to the NoteStore for the account represented by the provided authenticationToken. This method isn't needed by most clients, who can retrieve the correct NoteStore URL from the AuthenticationResult returned from the authenticate or refreshAuthentication calls. This method is typically only needed to look up the correct URL for a long-lived session token (e.g. for an OAuth web service).
