

AsyncBusinessNoteStoreClient This is a wrapper/helper class that manages the connection to a business notestore. 
AsyncLinkedNoteStoreClient This is a wrapper/helper class that manages the connection to a linked notestore. 
AsyncNoteStoreClient An Async wrapper for NoteStore.Client Use these methods with a OnClientCallback to get make network requests 
AsyncUserStoreClient An Async wrapper for UserStore.Client Use these methods with a OnClientCallback to get make network requests 
AuthenticationResult A container class for the results of a successful OAuth authorization with the Evernote service. 
BootstrapManager A class that provides access to check the current EDAM_VERSION_MAJOR and the EDAM_VERSION_MINOR against the Evernote Web serivice for API Compatibility It provides access to the List of BootstrapProfile representing the possible server connections for the user. 
ClientFactory A class to produce User and Note store clients. 
EvernoteOAuthActivity An Android Activity for authenticating to Evernote using OAuth. 
EvernoteSession Represents a session with the Evernote web service API. 
OnClientCallback<T> This class must be implemented to use the AsyncNoteStoreClient and the AsyncUserStoreClient  


EvernoteSession.EvernoteService Evernote Service to use with the bootstrap profile detection. 
